Friday, September 18, 2020

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: Philip Bazaar, Civil War Hispanic Medal of Honor recipient

Philip Bazaar, a Chilean-born American, was a US Navy seaman in the Civil War and was awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration in the US. 

He joined the Union Navy in Massachusetts and was assigned to the USS Santiago de Cuba, a wooden, side-wheel steamship commanded by Rear Admiral David Porter.

In late 1864, General Grant ordered an assault on Fort Fisher, a Confederate stronghold, in North Carolina.  Rear Admiral Porter was in charge of the naval attack.  When that failed, a Grant ordered a second assault in January 1865.  Bazaar carried dispatches during the battle, experiencing heavy fire from the Confederates to Major General Terry, in charge of the ground assault.

According to his citation:  

"On board the U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba during the assault on Fort Fisher on 15 January 1865. As one of a boat crew detailed to one of the generals on shore, O.S. Bazaar bravely entered the fort in the assault and accompanied his party in carrying dispatches at the height of the battle. He was 1 of 6 men who entered the fort in the assault from the fleet."

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