Saturday, August 18, 2018

"Godzilla 2000" released 2000

Godzilla 2000, released August 18, 2000 in the U.S., is the 23rd installment of Toho's Godzilla series, not counting the Matthew Broderick film, which doesn't really fit at all. 

In fact, it was the disappointment of the 1998 movie that prompted Toho to reboot the G-Man on their own, so they produced Godzilla 2000.  This isn't a favorite of mine and apparently it did not do much better than Broderick's version.  It ignored some of the continuity set in earlier Godzilla movies, since this one supposedly happens after the 1954 movie, as if the others never happened.

I like seeing Takehiro Murata in the lead role.  He's been in many Godzilla movies, some only as a cameo, so it was good to see him shine.

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