Sunday, December 22, 2019

Star Trek episode 'Wolf in The Fold' airs 1967

Wolf in the Fold, the fourteenth episode of Season 2 of Star Trek (TOS) first aired December 22, 1967.  Written by Robert Bloch (author of Psycho), the episode focuses on Engineer Montgomery Scott (Scotty) being accused of brutally stabbing three women to death. It reads as a spooky whodunit, unusual for a science fiction series, but it's one of my favorites.

Wolf in the Fold did stir up a lot of controversy, by its depiction of women as the victims, the killer's hatred of women and the misogynistic tone of the script.  Most notably criticized is Spock's line that "women are more easily and more deeply terrified, generating more sheer horror than the male of the species."

It has also been pointed out that the psycho-tricorder is a "ridiculous invention-of-the-week".  I have to concede this point since it is the only episode that involves such a gadget and we didn't even get to see it work.

But it also features the crew on a planet being subjected to their laws, something we don't normally see.

Dr. McCoy has some great one-liners.  He once states he has a drug that could "tranquilize an active volcano".  Later someone asks him what would happen if the evil entity entered a tranquilized body, McCoy says it would probably "take up knitting, but nothing more harmful than that."

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