Saturday, December 7, 2019

"2010" released 1984

2010, the movie adaption of Arthur C. Clarke's sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey, was released December 7, 1984.  The subtitle for 2010 was "The Year We Make Contact".  It starred Roy Scheider, Dame Helen Mirren and John Lithgow.  Keir Dullea reprised his role as David Bowman from 2001.   Douglas Rains reprised his role as the voice of the HAL 9000 computer.

The movie is about a joint venture between the Soviet Union and the United States on a journey to Jupiter.  They find a huge monolith, like the ones in 2001, orbiting Jupiter.

It was nominated for 5 Oscars.  It won a Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.

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