Monday, January 8, 2018

Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 'The Pegasus' aired 1994

Written by Ronald D. Moore (inspired by Raise the Titanic) and directed by Levar Burton, episode 12 of season 7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Pegasus, aired January 8, 1994.

I liked this one because of the concept that the United Federation of Planets could finally have cloaking technology.  I always thought they got ripped off in the treaty with the Romulans, especially since the Klingons had access to the same technology. 

I remember when Kirk and Spock stole a cloaking device from a Romulan vessel in The Enterprise Incident but it was in the final season of the original series, like The Pegasus was. 

This episode also had a creepy feeling to it as Riker and Admiral Pressman discuss what happened to the crew who were inside the rock when the Pegasus materialized.  Ick.

At the end, when Picard says they will be contacting the Romulans concerning this incident, I was kinda pissed at him.  The Enterprise should have kept the cloaking device since it was clearly giving the Romulans a huge advantage.

Oh, well.

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