Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Juno arrives at Jupiter - 2016; Pathfinder arrives at Mars - 1997

Juno spacecraft

July 4, although an important day in America's independence, is also a banner day for NASA.

Yesterday, Juno reached Jupiter, spacecraft launched in August 5, 2011 to study the largest planet in our solar system.  From now until October, scientists will work to calibrate on-board instruments and conduct some testing of Juno's subsystems.  The real analysis will start in October.

Sojourner on Mars

July 4, 1997, the Mars Pathfinder landed on the Red Planet and deployed the rover Sojourner.  Talk about the "Little Engine that Could", Sojourner, which was supposed to operate from a week to a month, worked for over 3 months before sending its last transmission in September 1997.

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