Monday, August 18, 2014

Anniversary of Godzilla 2000's USA release

Today marks the 14th anniversary of the USA release of Godzilla 2000, bringing relief to those of us still stinging from the insult of 1998's Matthew Broderick film.  According to, the 1998 version was to be the first of three movies from Tri-Star, but since it got such terrible reviews, Toho abandoned the idea and brought back the original Godzilla.

The discovery of a huge, unique rock under the sea grabs the interests of scientists from all over the world, wondering about its origin.  Until it begins to behave  strangely.  Exposure to the sun reveals it to be a flying saucer buried under the waves for millions of years.   Its intentions become clear as it begins taking over Tokyo by siphoning off its energy with invisible tendrils.  It's up to the G-Man to save Earth once again.

 Godzilla vs Orga

It was good to see Takehiro Murata in a lead role, when in some movies he's relegated to a walk-on part.

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