Friday, August 2, 2019

Cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky born 1934

Valery Bykovsky, born August 2, 1934 in the former Soviet Union, holds the endurance record for a solo spaceflight. 

His first flight was aboard Vostok 5 in June 1963.  He was originally supposed to stay in space for 8 days but had to return early due to increased solar flare activity.

His second mission was aboard Soyuz 22 as commander in September 1976, when he spent a week in space with fellow cosmonaut Vladimir Aksyonov photographing Earth.

His third and final flight was aboard Soyuz 31 as commander launched in August 1978 to the Salyut 6 space station.  He was part of the expedition EP-4 with Sigmund Jahn, Germany's first cosmonaut.  They returned to Earth in September aboard Soyuz 29.

He passed away in March 2019.

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