Thursday, May 24, 2018

Soyuz 18 launched 1975

Soyuz 18 crew

Mission patch

Soyuz 18, launched May 24, 1975, was the second and last mission to Salyut 4.  Its crew, Commander Pyotr Klimuk and Flight Engineer Vitali Sevastyanov, set a record of 63 days in space.  It was also the second time seven people were in space (7) simultaneously.

Soyuz 18 mission took place during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, hence all the people in space.  The crew were controlled from an Crimean Control Center, not used since Soyuz 12.

By the end of the mission, the environment aboard the station was deteriorating, windows fogging over and green mold growing on the walls.

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