Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Top Ten Worst Things The Donald has done his first year

Marc Thiessen, of the Oklahoma Editorial Board, was really scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with the 10 best things The Donald has done in his first year.  He must be trying to appear as a "glass half full" type instead of "head up his ass" type. What’s really disturbing (but not surprising) is some of the ‘best things’ are not good at all, and border on catastrophic.  Look at Thiessen’s list:

10: Enforced President Obama’s line against Syria’s use of chemical weapons.
9: He has taken a surprisingly tough line with Russia.
8: He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
7: He withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement.  Approved the Keystone XL pipeline and opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for exploration.
6: He got NATO allies to kick in $12 billion toward our collective security.
5: He has virtually eliminated the Islamic State’s physical caliphate.
4. He admitted he was wrong he was wrong on Afghanistan.
3. He enacted historic tax and regulatory reform that has unleashed economic growth.
2. He is installing conservative judges who will preside for decades.
1. He was inaugurated president, not Hillary Clinton.

I came up with my own Top 10 list for the Donald’s first year:
Ten Worst Things:

10.  He tried (and failed) to keep transgendered people from serving in the military.  Coming from a strict non-military background, The Donald has no business to tell someone they cannot serve in the military.

9. Seventeen of our (i.e. United States) intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia interfered with our election, the base of our democratic society, and The Donald and his cronies were in on it from the beginning.  Instead of investigating Russia, The Donald ordered an investigation of the U.S. voters.

8: He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.  So four previous presidents said they would and didn’t.  This move, which has been condemned by every single one of our allies, just further alienates us from the rest of the world.

7. He withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, approved the Keystone XL pipeline and opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for exploration.  He has been a denier of climate change forever, although everyone else in the world (the U.S. is the only country that is not participating in the Paris Climate Agreement).  This spells doom for our global environment, endangered species and the health of all Earthlings. 

6. He fired the entire HIV/AIDS Council.  This is a serious blow to anyone, not just the LGBT community, suffering from AIDS.

5. Since his inauguration, he has increasingly tried to demonize ALL Muslims, with his travel bans against countries (with no terrorists), and ignoring countries with terrorists.  He posted the controversial youtube videos showing violence against Muslims.

4. Obama halted the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2015. Not The Donald.

3. He has told more lies, he has taken more vacation, and done less in his first year than any other president.

2. He LOST the popular vote and he got mad.  He cheated by having Russia interfere with the election and gave it to him.  Russia and the KKK all got who they wanted for President.  The majority of Americans did not.

1. He appointed Scott Pruitt, a non-scientist, climate-change denier, global warming denier, as Administrator to the Environmental Protection Agency.  Since Pruitt has been confirmed (by the GOP), he has systematically reversed or delayed every regulation that protects our clean air, clean water and clean soil.  He has removed all the scientists and replaced them with industry representatives, who have no interest in protecting our environment.

There are many other significant achievements that did not make the top 10.

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