Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Happy birthday, Antonio Banderas!

Ultra-suave actor Antonio Banderas, born August 10, 1960 in Malaga, Spain, has one of the sexiest voices in Hollywood, as Steve Colbert proves in the video below.

His made his first appearance in False Eyelash, a Spanish film released in 1982, and has since made over 100 movies to date.  His voice-over as Puss 'N Boots from the Shrek movie franchise is one of his most popular roles.  He came to fame for his performance in Mambo Kings (1992) and then as Tom Hanks' lover in Philadelphia (1993).  He has starred in the Spy Kids franchise and made an appearance in The Expendables 3.

He has been nominated for an Oscar and has plenty of projects on the way, including Indiana Jones 5, which is in post-production.

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