Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Gemini IX-A launched 1966

Gemini IX-A crew: Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan

Mission patch

Gemini IX-A, launched June 3, 1966, was the seventh crewed Gemini flight.  Its crew consisted of Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan.  Elliott See was intended to be the commander and Charles Bassett to be pilot, but they were killed in a training accident in February.

The main objective was to dock with the Agena Target Vehicle, but because of a launch preparation error on the target vehicle, they were unable to.

The second objective was for Cernan to conduct an EVA and test the Air Force's Astronaut Maneuvering Unit, but this was not achieved since Cernan experienced cardiac stress, overheating and fatigue during the EVA.

The third objective, carrying out scientific experiments, was completed.

They returned to Earth June 6.

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