Sunday, January 5, 2020

Star Trek episode "The Galileo Seven" airs 1967

Another one of my favorite Star Trek episodes and the one that still creeps me out, The Galileo Seven, season one, episode sixteen, aired January 5, 1967.  It contains some of the cheesy scenes which have endeared us to the original series.  For example, Spock picking up a giant spear and throwing it back at the creatures; the obvious switch from actor to stunt man when a character falls off a cliff.

Yet, it showed Spock under fire when his logic fails when trying to deal with the illogical creatures on the planet where they have crash landed.  Scotty and McCoy are among the stranded crew.

The episode starred Don Marshall as Lt. Boma, Phyllis Douglas as Yeoman Mears and Grant Woods as Kelowitz.  Woods would return for two more episodes as Kelowitz.  Douglas appeared once more as a hippy in The Way to Eden.

Of course, I didn't see it when it first aired because my parents did not watch Star Trek.  I had to wait until it came out in syndication years later.

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