Thursday, February 1, 2018

Happy birthday, Space Shuttle astronaut Daniel Tani!

Daniel Tani, born February 1, 1961 in Pennsylvania, is a veteran of three Space Shuttle missions.

His first mission was on Endeavour (STS-108) in December 2001 as a mission specialist to the International Space Station.  He completed an EVA with Linda Godwin that lasted 4 hours and 12 minutes.

Before his next flight, he served as an aquanaut on NEEMO 2, NASA's underwater laboratory Aquarius for a week under the Atlantic Ocean.

His second trip to space was aboard Discovery (STS-120) to the ISS in October 2007.  He remained aboard the ISS as part of Expedition 16, during which he performed the 100th EVA in support of the building the ISS with Peggy Whitson.

He returned to Earth aboard Atlantis (STS-122) in February 2008.

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