Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Luna 9 makes a soft landing on the moon, 1966

A replica of Luna 9

The Soviet space program managed to make a soft landing on the moon, February 3, 1966 with Luna 9.  The previous successful venture by the Soviets was Luna 3 which circled the moon in 1956 and send back images of the 'dark' side.  After that, they had several failures in a row to make a soft landing on the moon.  Luna 4 and Luna 6 both missed the moon, and now Luna 6 is somewhere out there in the cosmos.  Lunas 5, 7 and 8 all crashed onto the moon's surface.  Finally, Luna 9 was successful, landing in Oceanus Procellarum.  It sent signals for 3 days before Earth lost contact with it.

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