Thursday, October 29, 2020

"Keeping Up Appearances" debuts 1990

Keeping Up Appearances, a British comedy about an annoying social climber Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "bouquet") aired its first episode October 29, 1990.  It ran for 5 seasons until Patricia Routledge (Hyacinth) decided to leave the show.

She tried to be a socialite, but her sister Daisy (played by Judy Cornwell) and brother-in-law Onslow were adorably white trash.  Another sister Rose was always going into or coming out of a relationship.  Her sister Violet, which was rarely seen until the final season, was the envy of Hyacinth.  Violet had a Mercedes, sauna and room for a pony.  

She terrorized her husband Richard (played by Clive Swift), her next-door neighbors Elizabeth and Emmet, and the vicar and his wife.  

It's still one of the funniest television shows ever.

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