Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"Monster from the Ocean Floor" released 1954

In another movie in a rash of "radioactivity creates a monstrosity" films, Monster from the Ocean Floor was released into theaters May 21, 1954. It was the first time Roger Corman produced a film.  He would go on to produce almost 500 movies over his career.  Director Wyott Ordung went on to produce only one  more film in 1956.

It's a slow moving film like Monster from Green Hell, with only a few scenes that were intended to be scary.  All deaths happen off screen so there is virtually no gore or jump scares.  The actors are mostly unknowns.  Ordung and Corman each have a role in the movie.

Monster from the Ocean Floor was released to mixed reviews, mostly negative, with a rating of 3.8 on imdb.com.  

It isn't a movie to watch for horror or science fiction fans, but it can be enjoyable if you're into the B&W 1950s B-movies. 

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