Thursday, May 23, 2024

Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawai'ian, Pacific Islander Heritage Month: James Smith, first Native Hawai'ian to win Medal of Honor


I cannot find much information on Seaman Smith.  He was born July 5(?), 1838 in Hawai'i prior to it becoming a US territory.  He immigrated to the US and joined the Navy.  He was stationed aboard the USS Kansas near Greytown, Nicaragua on April 12, 1872, when the ship's captain and several members of the crew were drowning.  

His citation states that "Smith displayed great coolness and self-possession at the time Comdr. A. F. Crosman and others were drowned near Greytown, Nicaragua, 12 April 1872, and by extraordinary heroism and personal exertion, prevented great loss of life."

I have not been able to find any information on the incident, so I don't know what happened or what Seaman Smith did at that time.

Smith was awarded the Medal of Honor for bravery July 9, 1872 making him the first Native Hawai'ian to win the honor.  

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