Wednesday, May 29, 2024

"San Andreas" released in US 2015

The epic disaster flick, San Andreas, opened in theaters across the US May 29, 2015. It starred the impossibly hunky Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as a rescue-chopper pilot, who has to team up with his ex-wife to save their daughter, trapped in San Francisco by a series of earthquakes.

As usual, it takes a number of creative liberties with science, but it makes a good movie.  Ioan Gruffud (Mr. Fantastic, Horatio Hornblower) stars as the boyfriend of Johnson's ex-wife.  He has good intentions but ultimately fails. 

Paul Giamatti appears as a seismology professor and Kylie Minogue has a very brief cameo as Gruffud's sister, Susan.

San Andreas received some mediocre reviews from the critics but audiences loved it, making it the biggest opening for a disaster movie for Warner Brothers.

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