Monday, March 9, 2020

Star Trek episode "The Devil in the Dark" airs 1967

One of the best, and creepiest, epsiodes of Star Trek (The Original Series), The Devil in the Dark aired March 9, 1967.  The crew of the Enterprise is called to the planet Janus VI, where a monster has been killing members of a mining colony.  As the investigation continues, Kirk, Spock and McCoy realize that the "monster" called the Horta, might not be as evil as first thought.

In 1995, Arthur C. Clarke said this was only episode he could recall.  It impressed him because "the idea, unusual in science fiction then and now, that something weird, and even dangerous need not be malevolent."

Many critics consider this episode as one of the best of the original series.  William Shatner said this was his favorite episode.  Leonard Nimoy said it was a "wonderful episode about the fear of the unknown, how we fear and even hate something that we don't know anything about, learn who your enemy is, and it's not, maybe then it's not no longer your enemy."

Uhura and Sulu don't appear in this episode.

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