Monday, June 17, 2024

"King Dinosaur" released 1955

Bert I. Gordon's directorial debut, King Dinosaur, was released upon American audiences June 17, 1955.  It was the first of his "low-budget special effects extravaganza" and was not received well.  Its a story of four astronauts sent to investigate a planet that has entered the solar system.  They discover a host of Earth-like creatures, many of them much larger than their terran counterparts.  Stock footage was included, but the quality it was as poor as Gordon's movie.  

Joel and the bots riffed King Dinosaur during the second season of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I want to know is, if they escaped from the "King Dinosaur", why blow it up?  If you're already clear, and he isn't coming after you, get in your rocket and leave.

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