Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Celebrating Pride Month: Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame

The Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame was created in June 1991, originally as the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. It is dedicated to LGBT people, organizations, and communities in the US who have made significant contributions to the quality of life or well-being of the LGBT community in Chicago.

The HoF does not have a physical facility, but maintains a website for people to visit at any time.  In 2016, its name was changed to Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame. 

Some of the inductees are:
Chuck Renslow, co-founder of Gold Coast, one of the first gay leather bars in the world.
Dom Orejudos, dancer, choreographer, and artist of masculine gay male erotica
Proud Black Lesbians and Gays
Lionheart Gay Theater and Company, which hosts LGBT themed works
Greg Harris, gay politician
Larry McKeon, first gay Illinois state senator
International Mr. Leather

Many straight people and transgender people are honored each year.

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