Monday, December 5, 2011

Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space and the National Mall

After a quick bite of lunch, we went to the Air and Space Museum and then walked down the National Mall.
A bird with unique coloring on the National Mall.
Ann, Dan and Robin with the Washington Monument in the background.

The original model of the USS Enterprise used in filming Star Trek! (I almost bowed down and worshipped it.)

Fuzzy in front of an old Eastern Airlines plane (one from long before his flight attending days)

The lunar lander.

The WWII Memorial with the Lincoln Memorial.

Ann and Dan in front of the Washington Monument.

I was surprised the fountains were still on despite the cold.

The WWI Memorial is almost forgotten it seems. I looked like trees have been trimmed back from around the memorial, but work on the Reflection Pool has limited access to it. We could've walked up to it but only by backtracking a ways.

A fox ran through the crowds on the National Mall.

The Korean War Memorial is one of my favorites. It's a very solemn and moving monument.

Robin, Dan and Ann pose in front of the wall with the ghost faces.

The Lincoln Monument.

Our last stop was the Vietnam Memorial.

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