Wednesday, June 20, 2018

South Dakota jury sentences man to death because he is gay

I have no words for this, but the closest ones I can come up with are 'disgusting' 'horrific' and 'evil'.  The jurists in this case convicted a gay man of murder, but when it came to deciding on his punishment, they opted for the death penalty, because...get this...they thought he would enjoy being in prison.  The jurists had "a lot of disgust" for Charles Rhines because it was known he was gay.  So they thought prison is just where he wanted to be.

They asked questions such as:

Would he “be allowed to mix with the general inmate population?” Would he be permitted “to discuss, describe or brag about his crime to other inmates?” Would he “have a cellmate?”
The hatred, stupidity and bigotry is clear. 

The Supreme Court has ruled that jury deliberations aren't necessarily sacrosanct if there is evidence of racial bias in the jury room.  The reporter Ms. Tabacco Mar cited a case  where evidence existed that the jury decided to convict an accused man of unlawful sexual contact and harassment because “he’s Mexican, and Mexican men take whatever they want,” in the words of one juror.

Although the Supreme Court has said states should prevent the harms of discrimination against LGBT people, they have decided not to step in.

Do straight people really think this is what we want? 

If that was the case, why aren't gay men committing heinous crimes to be sent to prison every day?

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