Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Godzilla vs. Mothra" - US release 1964

"Mothra vs. Godzilla" was released in the US on September 17, 1964 under the title "Godzilla vs. the Thing", somewhat of a marketing ploy for western audiences. It starred Akira Takarada as Ichiro Sakai. 

A huge egg is washed ashore during a violent typhoon and a greedy developer wants to put it on display.  The Cosmos give him permission without realizing his true intent.  When his nefarious plans become clear, the Cosmos refuse anymore help, even when Godzilla is awakened from his hibernation and is threatening Japan.  But soon Godzilla advances on the egg, now in a huge glass cage, and the Cosmos must summon an aging Mothra to protect the egg.

 According to, this is the final Showa Era film in the series where Godzilla is a malevolent figure.  For a while, he appeared as a protector of Earth until Godzilla 1985 he was back to being a bad guy.  Perhaps that changed with 2014's hit "Godzilla". 

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