Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 2 - A walk through Old San Juan

Our second day in Puerto Rico, we met my friend and published author Nomar Knight, and his two beautiful children, Raymond and Yanira. They took us on a walking tour of Old San Juan. Our first stop was a restaurant where they introduced us to mayorcas, delicious pastry dishes.

If you're going to drive in San Juan, rent a small car and bring LOTS of patience. Pedestrians cross the street with absolutlely no regard for traffic flow or direction. And they give YOU attititude. The streets are extremely narrow so if a delivery driver has to stop and make a delivery, be prepared to sit and wait for several minutes. Traffic moves slowly so drivers will push their way into the flow of traffic or else they will be waiting forever.

The old city wall which runs through much of Old San Juan.

One of the many lookout points in the city wall.

Yanira, Nomar, Fuzzy and Raymond.

The Bacardi Distillery from Old San Juan.

This banyan tree is at least 500 years old. It was there when the gate was built in the 1600's.

The gate into Old San Juan.

The street leading into teh citgy away from the wall. It led to the cathedral, so once the King and Queen arrived, they could go straight to the cathedral and give thanks to God for a safe passage.

A statue commemorating the arrival of the first settlers.

What a sentry might see from one of the lookout towers.

A totem pole from the time of the Taino Indians.

The grave of a known witch.

The cemetery below the fort.

A courtyard typical of the houses in Puerto Rico.

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