Note: In the past year or so, I remember hearing a news item about a chihuahua who saved its family's child from being bitten by a rattlesnake. The dog was bitten but survived. I wondered what was going through the chihuahua's mind, since this tiny breed has ATTITUDE! I wrote this for the "Wag Your Tail" short story contest on and have been amazed at the response it has received.The aromas wafting up from the man’s barbecue grill were intoxicating to the chihuahua and his mouth was watering in anticipation.
I’m so hungry, the chihuahua thought.
I can’t remember the last time I ate. Look at me. I’m wasting away to nothing. One stiff breeze and I blow away like tumbleweed on the Mexican…“It’s not going to work, Wally-monster.” The man looked down at him with a smile. “You’ll get fed today at your regular time and then you can have some table scraps. But for now, no begging!” The man scratched Wally’s ears with affection.
It was worth a try, amigo. Wally scanned the area to see if anyone else looked as though they could be taken in by the sad puppy eyes trick and give him a hand-out.
The woman who was always with the man shouted something at a toddler who had strayed too far away from the rest of the family and waded into tall grass at the edge of the picnic area.
Santa Maria! The bambino moves fast, Wally thought annoyed.
The Niño must have some chihuahua in him.He trotted to the toddler, scolding him with a few sharp barks.
What are you doing way over here, bambino? If I could I would pick you up by the scruff of your neck and carry you back to your madre just as my sweet madre did when I was only knee-high to a grasshopper!The toddler turned at the sound of the chihuahua’s barks and squealed in delight. Laughing with childish glee, he touched Wally on the nose. In response, Wally licked the boy’s fingers.
Oh, bambino! You know how to get to me. I cannot stay mad at you. Wally slurped the toddler’s face.
All is forgiven.There was a sound of rustling in the grass behind Wally. He spun his head around, ears up and alert.
Que? Wally sniffed the air. He saw movement in the weeds.
Que paso, snake? It was not a greeting, but a warning.
What do you want?The snake halted at the sight of the small dog, standing in front of the human.
You want to come over here and bite my bambino? You will have to go through me, bendajo! I am your worst enemy! You think you so big. Let me tell you, I have ring worms bigger than you!The snake coiled up ready to strike. Its tongue flicked in and out of its mouth, and its rattle shook with menace. Wally growled and bared his teeth.
Oh, so you want to lick Wally with forked tongue! You wanna piece of me? You wanna piece of the Wally-monster? I will turn you into snake burrito with snake tacos on the side! You look like big tamale anyway. But you not so big. I got something bigger than you right here!The snake lunged forward but the tiny dog sidestepped the deadly fangs with the grace and speed of a ballerina.
Oh, ho! Too slow! I am Speedy Gonzales next to you! You move like a gringo who have too much margarita! I will rip off your head and drink tequila out of it! But it is so small, I have to fill it three or four times just to make one shot!Wally’s furious barking alerted the adults, who noticed that he was confronting something in the grass they couldn’t see. The toddler had been watching the battle with curiosity and moved toward the snake. With another lunge, the rattler struck at the child.
Oh, no you didn’t! With lightning speed, Wally leapt between the snake and its prey. Fangs sunk deep into Wally’s upper front let. He yelped in pain.
Even though the snake had a tight grip on him, Wally clamped his small and powerful jaws around the snake’s body, crushing bone and sinking his teeth into sinewy tissue.
You have bit the Wally-monster! Prepare to die!Wally’s neck muscles had been strengthened by shaking every single stuffed toy he had been given so violently that the stuffing flew out. With the same fervor, he shook the snake. The rattler was too heavy to flail like a toy, but his efforts resulted in his teeth clamping further into the snake.
Wally twisted his head in a powerful movement and ripped the snake into two pieces. As the battle ended, Wally began to sway as the rattler’s poison took effect.
Mi Dio! Sweet madre! I am coming! Tell the Nino I love him! Wally’s vision went black.
A week later, Wally was curled up in his favorite doggy bed. The last few days had been exhausting with many people taking pictures of him and telling him that he was a hero for saving the little boy from the rattlesnake. A white bandage on his leg was the only reminder of the attack.
The doorbell rang and the man opened it. More people and two toy poodles entered. The poodles ran to Wally’s bed.
Ola, senioritas! You come to nurse Wally back to health?Wally, we heard! You are so brave and strong! One poodle whimpered.
Tell us everything! The other one barked.
Well, bonitas, it started like this. There I was, surrounded by three giant rattlesnakes…Word count: 874